中国是世界第二大经济体,东南亚是一个拥有 6.87 亿人口的地区,正进入经济高速增长期。 该地区政府还瞄准了一些专门的行业领域,如人工智能、金融科技和各种相关的 SaaS 公司、大数据、Web3 和许多其他高科技创新行业,在这些行业中,西方公司拥有非常需要的专业知识。
但是,要在这个地区创办企业,乍一看可能会令人望而生畏。 文化、监管和语言问题会对企业的建立或从当地投资者那里筹集资金造成实际障碍。 这正是 SEIML 的优势所在–我们是帮助您在亚洲建立、管理和融资业务的合作伙伴。 我们为您提供监管和文化方面的专业知识、能够弥补语言差距的员工、在该地区的庞大网络,更重要的是,我们在中国和东南亚地区拥有多年的商业和金融经验。
Revisiting 'the bezzle'
6 月 10, 2022
We have gone through over a dozen years of very high economic growth and massive market appreciation; some would argue, largely debt-fueled. But with several big ‘shocks to the system’, zero-COVID policies, Russian invasion of Ukraine, Brexit and, now, Fed tightening, could it be that we are entering a sustained period of recession? Time to revisit ‘the bezzle’.
Covid-19: don't shake hands
2 月 22, 2020
On the 20th February I participated in a Webinar on COVID-19 as shown in the title slide above. Thanks to the host Felix Moesener, Science Consul, Swissnex and the two guest speakers, Dr Christian Althaus (University of Bern) and Dr Pietro Vernazza (Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen). It was very informative.
SEIML: Industry 4.0, Germany and China
12 月 4, 2019
Working with SMEs in many industries, healthcare, ‘smart manufacturing’, automotive, I am seeing how technology is dramatically changing those industries. Participating in a recent conference in Frankfurt, Germany gave me real insights into Industry 4.0 there and the potential for its application here in China.